Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Boy's room update

The grandson is now three - and although I love how we did his room originally, he's gotten a little older now and it's time for engaging his mind and imagination.

Here's his room before:

It was fun to paint and such a cute design.  My DD and I had fun doing it.  But, as I said, it's time for a change!  Bring on the critters!!

My first critter.  Doesn't everyone need a cute little worm in their room?

The next two I put on the wall inside a bookcase.  I told him these little guys were moving in to get out of the rain!

Then of course, the bigger guys followed:

I'm nowhere near done and it's been so fun!  Check back for more updates!!

With the fast approaching holiday season, I spent some time yesterday doing what I love to do:  Googling and Pinteresting!

My goal?  Find something fun and easy to do with my Grandson!

I found.....butter.

Yes, butter.

I know, I know, butter is not the healthiest food to make.  But it's fun.  After all my googling, I'm pretty sure I am the only person on the planet that has not made this.  Until last night.

  I apologize for the lack of photography, I just didn't think of it at the time.

The How

Half pint of heavy cream
Some form of beating the cream (I used my immersion blender with it's blender-like attachment)
About 10 minutes-ish

Beat the crap out of the cream until it moves from the whipped cream stage to the butter stage.  Drain off the buttermilk.  Squeeze out the juices.  Rinse with water to remove all traces of buttermilk.  Mix in salt, or perhaps herbs for an extra treat.  Squeeze out the juices.  Place in a covered container, or into cute little molds.

I intend to experiment with the herbed butter for Thanksgiving.  I'll let you know how it goes.  

Here's the best page I found, and she used photos!!

Bon Appetit!